
The doctor is in. Is he in this dimension? That’s another story. This decidedly dispassionate physicist works for the government, but lives outside the normal realm of space and time. Fully articulated, this first-ever 6” comic-book style figure, one of six core members, arrives with a yellow base with black Watchmen logo in special Watchmen book-type packaging. Doctor Manhattan also includes an original Watchmen “oversized” trading card with all-new art and character bio. This figure is one of six in a limited series inspired by one of the all-time greatest comics and will include all six Watchmen team members by year’s end. When the series is complete, the iconic graffiti-style Watchmen logo will be revealed when all packages are placed side-by-side and the Doomsday clock will count down to zero when viewed from the front

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Schweiz A-Post 10.50 CHF 10.50 CHF 13.50 CHF 13.50 CHF 22.50 CHF
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Asserhalb Europas (Tracking Nummer) 24 CHF 36 CHF 58 CHF 88 CHF 88 CHF

  • Artikelnummer:FIGV-0512
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