109,90 CHF

There are no prizewinning petunias in this vicious vine's garden. His enemies find him a little clingy, but Evil Seed™ doesn't let anything stop him from growing his power. This 200X™ character arrives with the Scepter of Power and a vine-wrapped staff. Evil Seed™ Bio Real Name: Sero Malustro Created by Moss Man to aid Grayskull in the Great Wars against King Hssss and the invading Horde armies, Evil Seed betrayed his master and turned to evil, finding joy in corrupting all forms of plant life for his own amusement. Catching up with his vile creation, Moss Man imprisoned him in enchanted chains, keeping him restrained for many millennia. Sero was eventually freed by Orko, whose curiosity lead him to regrettably release the evil master of plants. Now an enemy of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Evil Seed fights to corrupt all plant life, using his twisted vines in deadly combat!

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Bestellwert 0 - 99 CHF 99.01 - 199 CHF 199.01 - 299 CHF 299.01 - 499 CHF ab 499.01 CHF
Schweiz A-Post 10.50 CHF 10.50 CHF 13.50 CHF 13.50 CHF 22.50 CHF
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Asserhalb Europas (Tracking Nummer) 24 CHF 36 CHF 58 CHF 88 CHF 88 CHF

  • Artikelnummer:MOTUV-0332
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