99,90 CHF

Long-awaited Gygor™ is a loyal member of Skeletor’s army who lives to unleash his sizeable simian skills against those that stand for good. Designed by the Four Horsemen, this fully articulated, large-scale beast (he stands nearly 10” tall!) is based on a prototype figure from the vintage days that was never produced. In his first-ever offering, Gygor™ arrives with awesome armor and a battle axe. Shortly after the Great Unrest, Keldor™ was driven behind the Mystic Wall and Gygor™, Lord of the Vine Jungle, led an army of beast men in a series of raids against the long forgotten Castle Grayskull®, believing the many tales of its great and mysterious power. It was only through the combined powers of Oo-larr™ — the jungle He-Man® — and The Goddess that Gygor™ was defeated and placed in a state of suspended animation. Eventually, Hordak® returned to Eternia® and the savage gorilla was freed by Evil-Lyn® in her attempt to bolster Skeletor’s forces against the new Horde army. Gygor™ uses his great strength to fight the Heroic Warriors.

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Bestellwert 0 - 99 CHF 99.01 - 199 CHF 199.01 - 299 CHF 299.01 - 499 CHF ab 499.01 CHF
Schweiz A-Post 10.50 CHF 10.50 CHF 13.50 CHF 13.50 CHF 22.50 CHF
Schweiz B-Post 8.50 CHF 8.50 CHF 11.50 CHF 11.50 CHF 20.50 CHF
Europa Priority (Tracking Nummer) 20 CHF 26 CHF 36 CHF 48 CHF 48 CHF
USA & Kanada Priority (Tracking Nummer) 24 CHF 36 CHF 48 CHF 60 CHF 60 CHF
Asserhalb Europas (Tracking Nummer) 24 CHF 36 CHF 58 CHF 88 CHF 88 CHF

  • Artikelnummer:MOTUV-033
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