59,90 CHF

He’s kicking it Denebria™ style… full force and minus any hint of mercy! This brutal bully doesn’t hesitate to strike out at any enemy of Skeletor®, and what he lacks in brainpower he more than makes up in brawn. Fully articulated, this figure arrives with power knife and side arm blaster, and features removable armor. Karatti™ Bio Real Name: Stickel-Vat Karatti™ has a head as hard as the rocks of the desert region of Denebria™ where he lives. Unfortunately for the other evil mutants, he also possesses as much brain as one of the rocks. Although armed with a laser axe, it is the terrible bone-crushing karate blows that make him so fearsome. Fortunately for the Galactic Protectors, he is as cowardly as most of the other inhabitants of Denebria™ and will only attack those whom he knows to be weaker than himself. He gladly allied himself with Skeletor® who offered promises of power and wealth to all who aided him in mutiny against the Horde. Karatti™ uses his combat moves to fight the Galactic Protectors.

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Bestellwert 0 - 99 CHF 99.01 - 199 CHF 199.01 - 299 CHF 299.01 - 499 CHF ab 499.01 CHF
Schweiz A-Post 10.50 CHF 10.50 CHF 13.50 CHF 13.50 CHF 22.50 CHF
Schweiz B-Post 8.50 CHF 8.50 CHF 11.50 CHF 11.50 CHF 20.50 CHF
Europa Priority (Tracking Nummer) 20 CHF 26 CHF 36 CHF 48 CHF 48 CHF
USA & Kanada Priority (Tracking Nummer) 24 CHF 36 CHF 48 CHF 60 CHF 60 CHF
Asserhalb Europas (Tracking Nummer) 24 CHF 36 CHF 58 CHF 88 CHF 88 CHF

  • Artikelnummer:MOTUV-0246
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