89,90 CHF

Fangs for the memories! A scaly sycophant to Skeletor®, Fang Man™ skillfully served his evil master before he was dispatched to Dragosaur Isle, where he’s more than ready to strike out at anyone who challenges him. This Filmation-style figure features an articulated tongue and includes removable armor, unique Revtile Sword, Wheel of Infinity and Electro mace. Fang Man™ Bio Real Name: Scutes Ignis Evolved from the ancient Dragosaur species, Fang Man™ spent his youth in the Valley of Dragons. Skeletor® recruited Fang Man™ after discovering his ability to control the fire-breathing dragons to do his bidding. Fang Man™ used the Dragosaurs of the past to assist the Evil Lord of Destruction™ in his evil plans when Skeletor® used the Wheel of Infinity to go back into time and stop Castle Grayskull® from being built. Eventually, defeated by He-Man®, Skeletor® abandoned Fang Man™ in the past where he resides with his ancestors on Dragosaur Isle, waiting for the return of his master. Fang Man™ has piercing teeth and uses his mind-control ability to manipulate fire-breathing species.

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Bestellwert 0 - 99 CHF 99.01 - 199 CHF 199.01 - 299 CHF 299.01 - 499 CHF ab 499.01 CHF
Schweiz A-Post 10.50 CHF 10.50 CHF 13.50 CHF 13.50 CHF 22.50 CHF
Schweiz B-Post 8.50 CHF 8.50 CHF 11.50 CHF 11.50 CHF 20.50 CHF
Europa Priority (Tracking Nummer) 20 CHF 26 CHF 36 CHF 48 CHF 48 CHF
USA & Kanada Priority (Tracking Nummer) 24 CHF 36 CHF 48 CHF 60 CHF 60 CHF
Asserhalb Europas (Tracking Nummer) 24 CHF 36 CHF 58 CHF 88 CHF 88 CHF

  • Artikelnummer:MOTUV-0240
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