59,90 CHF

Space Mutants will say bye-bye when under attack from this fly guy! One of the key members of the Galactic Protectors from the Tri-Solar System, Icarius™ is ready to "flip" into battle with his jet pack, wrist mounted missile launcher and chest armor. Sculpted in ruggedly handsome detail by the Four Horsemen, the sky's the limit when it comes to posing this jet jockey thanks to full articulation, flip-up visor and a second head that's helmet-free. Icarius Bio Real Name: TC Icarius Kaz A great pilot from the cloud city of Levitan on planet Primus, Icarius is equipped and ready to “flip” into battle at a moment's notice. After his 18th birthday, he left home to join the Galactic Protectors. Rising to the rank of Lieutenant, Icarius traveled with Captain Hydron on his quest to find the legendary twin warriors prophesied to defeat the Horde Empire. Arriving on the distant planet Eternia® shortly after the end of the Second Ultimate Battleground, they recruited not only He-Man® and She-Ra®, but several other Masters of the Universe® who were eager to pursue Skeletor® to the stars. Nicknamed “Flipshot,” Icarius utilizes a battle helmet, back mounted jet pack and concussion grenade wrist rockets in battle against Skeletor and his new Space Mutant army.

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Bestellwert 0 - 99 CHF 99.01 - 199 CHF 199.01 - 299 CHF 299.01 - 499 CHF ab 499.01 CHF
Schweiz A-Post 10.50 CHF 10.50 CHF 13.50 CHF 13.50 CHF 22.50 CHF
Schweiz B-Post 8.50 CHF 8.50 CHF 11.50 CHF 11.50 CHF 20.50 CHF
Europa Priority (Tracking Nummer) 20 CHF 26 CHF 36 CHF 48 CHF 48 CHF
USA & Kanada Priority (Tracking Nummer) 24 CHF 36 CHF 48 CHF 60 CHF 60 CHF
Asserhalb Europas (Tracking Nummer) 24 CHF 36 CHF 58 CHF 88 CHF 88 CHF

  • Artikelnummer:MOTUV-0122
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